Tag: cheryl orsini

Booking in March

During isolation, it seems like everyone has taken to social media, computers, screens and other devices to stay connected and entertained and sane. I’m finding...

Booking in November

My personal highlight of the month was going to a book launch for Christmas Wonder, by Vikki Conley and Cheryl Orsini. I have blogged about...

Booking in June

I can’t believe I’ve gone so long without posting. I think I’ve also been feeling very overwhelmed thinking about writing this post because I know...

Unicorn, by Maggie Hutchings and Cheryl Orsini

I have developed a deep-seeded, firm aversion to the onslaught of unicorn flavoured toys, clothes, underwear, stationery, bedsheets, bags and even books. I swear I...

Favourite Illustrators

One of the reasons I love reading picture books with my kids is the pictures. I’m not a hugely artsy person. I don’t think of...