Grandad’s Secret Giant, by David Litchfield
Three kids sat around, eager to hear this one and the oldest immediately told me I had to write about it. So here goes… I picked...
The Legend of Rock, Paper Scissors, by Drew Daywalt
When the 7-year-old pulled ‘The Legend of Rock, Paper Scissors‘ out of the library basket his reaction was: “ooaarrrwww, this book is awesome” He had...
‘After-the-Summer-Holiday’-Year’s Resolutions
It’s taken me til now to feel like I’ve recovered from the summer holidays and that we are in some sort of school routine. I’m...
Summer Holiday Blogging
I find myself with ‘spare’ time to blog on the summer holidays…and I just heard the baby get woken up from the monopoly excitement. Never...
More Favourite Illustrators
A little while ago I blogged about 3 of my favourite children’s illustrators, which was very difficult to decide on, so here are more of our...
Home Alone, illustrated by Kim Smith
We have started a tradition of watching the ‘Home Alone’ movies at Christmas time. The kids love them, but also hate them. The other night...
The Terrible Two, by Mac Barnett and Jory John, illustrated by Kevin Cornell
We have had another raving success with chapter books. I went to the library determined not to get any books for Jude as he...
A World of Information, by James Brown and Richard Platt
Question: Are you stuck on what to buy a curious mind for Christmas? Answer: ‘A World of Information’ Firstly at just $22 I consider this to...
Christmas Booking
I think this week lots of mums began ramping up for Christmas – especially those who do most of their gift shopping online. So what are...
The Boy Who Swam with Piranhas, by David Almond
After picture books and early readers, kids are ready for more meaty books that are much less reliant on pictures. We’ve tried a few and...