Great content during social isolation

I’m sure many of you are aware that during this social isolation that is going on around the globe many wonderful creators are putting their hand to content creation. And while we try to limit screen time, I am all for learning from world-class authors and illustrators. I have found a couple of video series that you might like to try out.

Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems

Mo Willems is a huge favourite in our house. We have used Elephant and Piggie to entertain ourselves as the kids have learned to read. We read Diva and Flea in April 2019 as a family read-aloud. Other favourites are Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs and Nanette’s Baguette. And while we have never owned a pigeon book, I feel like we have read them so many times.

So as the Education Artist in Residence at the Kennedy Centre, Mo is hosting a daily video called Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems. I cannot speak highly enough of these videos, my kids have been totally engaged. Mo is very generously taking kids inside his studio giving them behinds the scenes details about illustrating, publishing, animation and lots of other aspects of his career. He also answers questions from kids who email him. It is outstanding!

For example tonight we watched one where he showed some of the original artwork and props from Nanette’s Baguette which was fascinating. The kids were also shown the detailed project management sheet he used to keep track of his progress in making the book.

#DrawWithRob – Rob Biddulph

Rob Biddulph is another author we have really enjoyed in the past. Rob’s most well-known book is probably Odd Dog Out and his most recent book Show and Tell was also very popular in our house.

He has also very generously author turned his downtime into terrific instructional videos. He is making 2 videos per week and is specifically showing kids how to draw characters from his books. He has a very easy manner and explains things to kids in a way that is easy to understand and will give them confidence to try it out for themselves.

Matt Stanton

Australian author and illustrator Matt Stanton is becoming a real favourite with us. His Funny Kid series was our soundtrack of summer as we made our way through the audio versions of his books. I got to meet him at the CBCA Conference last year and he is just a really down to earth guy, all about giving kids super positive experiences with reading.

He has very recently started making videos from his brand new studio. In these videos, Matt is giving kids insights into his career, plus advice on writing, cartooning, and publishing. He also gives his thoughts on the current coronavirus situation which he directs towards kids, offering hope.

Jim Field

Jim Field is one of my all-time favourite illustrators. I have blogged about how his series with Rachel Bright is probably one of my top go-to gifts for birthdays and Christmas. I will often pull ou The Way Home for Wolf when I’m reading to a child visiting our home as it’s a story every child should experience.

Jim has jumped on the wagon and has started posting videos teaching children how to draw characters from his books. The first one is Frog from the ‘Oi’ series by Kes Gray (another wonderful series). It’s simple enough for preps to attempt and Jim is encouraging kids to send him their creations.

Anna Walker

Anna Walker is a superstar of the Australian Children’s Book Industry. She produces so many books and they are all wonderful. I find them to be quiet, calming, thought-provoking and honest in an imaginative way.

Anna must also be clairvoyant as only a few weeks ago she launched a new website dedicated to tiny little projects and ideas. It’s really an outlet for all her creativity that might not make it to a book but that might inspire children to get busy creating. In a world where bigger is often labeled better, Anna is giving us permission to let our creations be tiny. I’m sure you’ll find some little gems you and the kids could try copy at home during this time. Or it just might give you the inspiration to create something new and bring your imagination to life.

Tania McCartney

We love Tania McCartney, especially my most reluctant reader, Freya. Tania is just the loveliest person you’ll meet. She has started a YouTube channel with great content.

One in particular that Freya and I watched the other day, I straight away sent around to all my friends. I have not yet attempted any of the specialist classes that my school has sent me as I don’t know Spanish, am not a librarian and am using all at my disposal to get the kids to engage with their literacy and numeracy.

So when a video like this one is available and is just like having an author visit to your home school you go with it, call it ‘library’ for the week and know that the kids are probably getting more out of it than they would get from a library session at school.

But wait there’s more…

As I find other creators of children’s books getting involved I’ll continue to add to the list.

Dan Santat is posting daily with comics and writing related to the current situation.

Emily Gravett will be reading aloud on Tuesdays and drawing on Thursdays (UK time).

Oliver Jeffers is reading one of his books every day.